February 13, 2025
About Us

I have been completing tax returns for over 32 years. I've always had a head for numbers. In high school I took my first accounting class and discovered a love for accounting. At 18, I was married and did our own taxes for the first time. Like everything else I do, I read up on the tax laws and researched exactly what I needed to know in order to prepare my own taxes. The next year I went to a tax professional and paid over $125 to have my taxes prepared.I discovered I did my own taxes better and cheaper. Over the next few years I began not not only preparing my tax return but the tax returns of friends, family members and co-workers. As tax season would come up every year, I would have conversations with various people about taxes. They would always have questions on what they could and could not claim, and what deductions can and cannot be taken. I would educate them on what they needed to know to get a better return. They then were able to keep their money in their pockets and not have to pay so much to the IRS every year.

Originally I started out doing all this at no cost since most of the returns were my family and friends. Everyone for which I prepared a tax return, were extremely happy with the returns I was able to get them. They insisted on giving me money for my time and effort in getting them a better tax return.

As the years have gone by, I have turned this this into a business that I completely love. I have volunteered with the IRS in a low from 2004-2008. Every year, I am certified by the IRS to prepare taxes. By doing this I have made many friends within the IRS whom I can rely on when deductions or tax situations can be questionable.

I currently have a Bachelor's in Accounting along with a Bachelor's in Business Management

My tax services are low cost due to low marketing costs and low expenses. I also believe it should not cost you an arm and a leg to have your taxes prepared. We all work hard for the money we earn and like to keep as much of it as we possibly can. I do this out of my home which helps me keep my prices low. About 80% of my business has been through word of mouth referrals through friends, family, and business associates. I found this to be the most effective way to run my business.

If you are looking for a generic run-of-the-mill tax office that you can walk in and spend 20-30 minutes with a person who has had some basic training, then I am not the tax accountant you are looking for. As my company name implies, I do customized tax services. This means I spend the time to talk to you and ensure I have all the information, so I can go through various scenarios and algorithms through my tax program to see where you would get the most money back. Through the years I have been doing this, I have come to realize each person has a different situation and doing a generic tax return does not benefit them. Once your return is finished, I make sure that if I see a place where you can do something different for the current tax year to get a better return next year, I make sure to give you that information.

I feel it is better to educate each person on their taxes and what they can do to get a better return each year. What deductions will work better for their situation and what records they need to keep to help their tax situation for the coming years. The better prepared you are, the better your tax returns will be.

I live by the motto of "Let me customize your taxes to you, and help you keep your hard earned money in your pocket and not the IRS's"